15th Annual
Western North Carolina
Rockhound Roundup

July 22nd - 29th, 2018

Photos by: Rick Jacquot, Tony Bradley, Randy Fitzgerald,
Bob Jordan, Mike Callahan

Bob and Jose the Rockhound.

William and Leita having fun.

Bob and Buddy

Mike giving Carol a laugh.

Gypsy has a new muzzle.

Don and Karen

Mike, Beth and Ron

Rick B. showing off a slab.

Steven cutting some stones.

Duane and Bob

Randy getting serious.

Kay, not so serious.

Tony and Jeff checking out some rocks.

Johnny having fun.

Pat and Nancy

Luther, Bob, Tom, Nancy and Mike.

All American breakfast!

Chow time, thanks Jeff for the BACON!

Some other interesting snacks provided by our resident oriental connoisseur, Mike Callahan.

Michelle and Mini Travis, little Alexander.

Mike and Rick

A little advertisement for Graves Mountain.

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